Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Living in a Salad Spinner

Today was the probably the most boring day yet for the kids. For me, however, it was a day filled with a bit too much energy!

During my doctor's appointment on Monday, "we" decided that I'd start taking a medication again that I'd taken a couple of years ago. I'm all for it because one of the side effects is weight loss. (I wish that was a side effect of chocolate chip cookies, too)! Anyway, the crazy thing about this medicine is what it does to my energy level. If I take the dumb stuff after 6:30 a.m., I won't be able to sleep at 10:00 p.m. I'm assuming that this stuff is kind of like legal speed.

So, this morning while the girls were playing "nicely" (this means using inside voices, no fingernails, and Barbie's aren't getting hurled in between their rooms), I ran to the drug store and picked up the medication. Did I mention that this crap is a Tier 3 drug so insurance only sneezes toward the cost of it. I, on the other hand, have to basically cough up a lung to pay for it. Oh well. Bottom line, I picked the stuff up and took the first dose. That was around 8:00 this morning.

By 9:30, I had started moving furniture. Poor Grant couldn't do much more than stare in horror. I did ask his assistance to move the treadmill from downstairs up the stairs into my bedroom. He didn't think I was serious until I started moving it myself. He quickly got with the plan. By noon, I'd moved every single piece of furniture downstairs that wasn't bolted down. I'm not kidding. The piano. The sofas. The kitchen table. The entertainment center. All of it. I moved it, cleaned under it, and then rearranged it. Then, I made lunch for the kids and called them out from under the sofa where they'd been hiding.
Her look sums up her reaction to the day's activities. She and Dasha cleaned their rooms to a spotless state in fear that I might let myself loose on their stuff!

However, as I was moving things around, I realized that those silly plug in air fresheners were empty. Yeah. I know. I've head before that those are major fire hazards. Heck, I've got three brand spanking new smoke detectors so I think I'm safe. (Stupid logic, huh)? Anyway, I also know that the chemicals in those things aren't great, either. I improvised. This was a stunt that was worthy of Pinterest!
I took the lid off of this stuff and poured a bit into the glass part of the air freshener and topped it off with water. Voila! Homemade Febreeze! It actually worked, too - that was the cool part!
I'll never pay another $5 for a stupid plug in again! Sometimes, I'm just brilliant! Sometimes.

As the day drug on, my body kept saying, "Stop it!" But my brain kept saying, "Go, go, go!" I kind of feel like a salad spinner. My body was the bowl that just wanted to wobble around from the inertia of my brain being on a spin cycle. Whew.

The good news is that it's now 9:15 and my house is cleaner than it has been in over a year! The bad news is that the salad spinner is still spinning and there's no more water left so my brains are just getting pushed up and oozed out of the spinner. I wonder when sleep will finally be allowed to slow the spinning?

Beyond this grand update of the boring day here at the Randolph compound, I can tell you the following things...
  • The Hercules Hooks are still keeping Barbie and her blonde bombshells pinned to the wall. Who knew?
  • My van will get two new tires tomorrow. Yes, I said TWO. This is called automotive maitenance on a budget. I figure that if the other two give out, I'll have enough energy to propel the entire van like Fred Flinstone! (The crazy folks at WalMart told me that I need "speed rated" tires because that's what was supposed to be on the MINI VAN! Get a grip, dude! I know it's a cool van and, yes, the speedometer has hit 120 mph (that's to Eric) but speed rated tires? No thanks! So, the van is going to a shop out in Deliverance territory where they'll put on whatever darn tires I want without hassling me!
  • Grant hung curtain rods for me today and did the job like a pro. 
  • While he was hanging those curtain rods, I noticed how stinking hairy his legs are and then realized that his voice is becoming more like Shrek than Pinocchio.
  • I broke down and turned the air on but it's not getting any cooler in the house. Hmmmm.... I wonder if my dad could perform a miracle on the home AC unit like he did in the van.
  • I ordered a new Bible because the one I keep next to my bed met its demise via a bottle of water. I'm apprehensive about a new Bible. I liked my old one. It had years' worth of notes in it. Maybe it will eventually dry out enough so I can turn the pages without them ripping and I can read some of the notes. I'll never use a felt-tipped pen to make notes in my Bible again, though. Romans and Ecclesiastes both look like someone dumped green slime across them. I ordered a "special" pen when I ordered the Bible, too. We'll see if it works as well as those darn Hercules Hooks!
  • I'm hungry.
Well, wasn't that informational? You now know what went on behind the walls of the Randolph enclosure today. I thought about a trip to the lake for tomorrow but with the weather looking iffy, we might have to find plan B. (I'm pretty sure that moving the furniture around again tomorrow might be a little senseless).

Whatever you do, work at it wholeheartedly as though you were doing it for the Lord and not merely for people. Colossians 3:23

Good night, all.

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