Sunday, April 14, 2013

A-ha Moments and Fishing in the Toilet

I'm going to keep it short tonight. My filter seems to have a slight operational issue so I'm not going to risk spilling something that shouldn't be.

My day consisted of church this morning, grocery shopping, prepping for the week, and getting two of my three chicken nuggets back. Now, I'm getting the girls ready for bed and they will have crashed before 8:00.

I had two a-ha moments today, though. The first one came during Sunday school this morning when I watched a group of women reach out to another one in pain. It's been a long time since I've seen the body of Christ respond like that with such authenticity and unconditional love. I realized that although I've been plugged into a class, I really haven't let my guard down. I've been a seat warmer in the back row. Sort of like a brick. I took nothing and gave nothing. Last week, the lesson brought a few of those walls down but this morning... The last time I was actively engaged in a church group, I watched a couple who'd had an affair and then married each other sit across from me and say that it was God's will that they be together. No one refuted them or hurled bricks at their heads like I wanted them to do. (I didn't ever say that I had tons of grace)! Anyway, I think I kind of wrote all church groups off as fake and full of folks there for the wrong reasons. Ha! When will I ever learn? I can be so judgmental. It's not my call to make as to their motivation on being there and, as resident brick in the back row, I sure don't have any room to stamp anyone as fake. I have a hard time just being responsible for me! (Heck, it's a full time job! Why in the world would I try to take on anyone else's crap)? Ok. That was a-ha moment one.

There have been several catalysts in the last couple of days that vaulted me head first into my second a-ha moment. I realized that, sometimes, there are people who come through your life to walk with you for a short season but impact your life in an incredible way. I know this concept isn't anything new but when you put a name with the whole idea, puzzle pieces finally fit together. I'm thankful to have someone like that who has encouraged, corrected, loved, protected, and sometimes even just stood still and let me cry a river around his feet. It's like having a Nimitz class ship full of strength but loaded with humanitarian aid following me around. That friendship has given me the ability to see ME for who I am and not who I think others want me to be. Thank you.

So, there you have it. I think the only things I left out the equation were dropping my watch into the toilet at church this morning and having to play Go Fish in a public toilet and then rushing to get out of the grocery store in the rain only to have a pack of water bottles come out of their packaging and roll everywhere across the wet parking lot. I'll admit that both instances just drove me to laughter. I'm pretty sure that indicates some sort of mental condition but... Oh, and I did get those stupid badges onto Grant's shirt.
Once again, I stopped stressing out and just bought a pack of the fusible webbing and ironed those suckers right on! I can go back and stitch around them if I continue to feel the need to have them officially sewn on but I doubt that will happen!

I've just tucked both girls into bed and I'm listening to Annie sing one of her favorite Barbie tunes. Ah. This is what bed time is supposed to sound like! I miss Grant's antics tonight but.. we won't go there tonight. I'll see him tomorrow night at his scout Court of Honor. I miss my gentle giant. I love my babies something fierce.

Proverbs 1:7
Fear of the Lord is the foundation of true knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline.

Good night, all.

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