Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Trouble is brewing...

So, I'm smart enough to know when trouble is brewing in this house. With wedding planning and figuring out how to merge a bachelor pad with an insane asylum, things have been hectic. I thought the kids were all hanging in there, but after looking back through some photos, I'm beginning to wonder if it might be time to call in Dr. Phil AND Dr. Dobson and let them tag team the inmates!

She wanted to pack this to take to her Daddy's wedding. I have witnesses! I did not prompt her! I promise!!!!
Grant and Ray seem to make a pretty scary pair when you add a firearm to the mix.
This guy is the Chucky in my life. In the middle of the night, he starts whinnying and making all sorts of noises.
Experts all say that playing with a child reveals a lot about what they are processing. This was a play session that was nothing short of terrifying!

Annie's idea of "playing" involves her telling you what to do with the people.

My first real "Uh Oh" feeling came when she told me that the sister's bed was in the closet. Hmmm...

I think this one is quite obvious! The mama got the bed but the dad got the couch.

Before I could completely stifle my laughter from the previous picture, she slid the baby into the bed with the mama. When I asked her where the baby's bed was, she looked at me like I was nuts and just said, "She doesn't need one. She sleeps with the mama so she doesn't get lonely." Doh!

I moved the dad into the bed with the mom to sort of see what she'd do. I'll admit that at this point in the "game" I didn't know if I should continue to laugh hysterically or if I should be looking up the number for a good family counselor who couldn't be easily scarred. Annie's rebuttal to the situation was to move the kid's bed next to the big bed. Have I mentioned that Annie does NOT sleep with me on a regular basis? Translation, unless she has a fever, is puking, or wheezing, she is sentenced to her own bed!

She decided to leave the "family" as they were and moved on to getting the family's possessions ready to "move."

When moving day came, the mama and the kid seemed to be the only ones who changed locations and they did it Beverly Hillbilly style!

Once I gave up and just played along with her, she finally seated the whole family together including the dog. I'm sure there's some sort of good fodder that Dr. Dobson could tap into, though.

And, this was the final straw. I laughed so hard that my sides hurt! I didn't ask her for any dialogue on this one.
While things are definitely a little crazier than usual around here (if you can believe that), everyone is adjusting to the idea of being a family of five. There are days when I still ask Ray if he has all of his senses intact and I wonder about his sanity for his willingness to become a part of this motley crew! Whew. Believe it or not, his response continues to be that we are a blessing to HIS life and not something that is going to push him into the looney bin. I think I may need to get this statement in writing. Like I said, he is definitely an answer to prayer. In less than a month, he'll be having his senses drained from his head by the inmates.

Anyway, things are a notch above the normal level of crazy but, I think we're becoming much better at coping with the consistent inconsistancies of having enough sanity to know that we're officially insane.

For now, I guess I can't say, "Good night, all," so I'll just close by saying, "Hanging on by a thead!"

Don't judge. This is called creative scheduling - nap for her and work for me. Right? The manual doesn't say that naps should always occur in a bed!

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