Wednesday, May 8, 2013

99 Bottles of NyQuil on the Wall...

 Here's my feeble attempt at speed blogging for tonight...

Order of the Arrow camping trip for Grant - no talking, little food, manual labor, pouring rain
Post camp - no talking, little food, NO manual labor, and blistered feet
Field trip to Chattanooga, TN with four charter buses full of 3rd graders. DOT pulls all four buses and holds them for almost two hours for "safety inspections." One bus fails and we end up with three buses jam packed full of hungry and tired kids who'd been on the go for 12 hours! In hindsight, we should have just released all of the kids into the parking lot. I'm sure those officers would have sped up a bit!
A class of kids who love me despite stranding them on a bus without food
The divalicious teenager of the house has decided to go into over drive. Um, NO!
The divalicious toddler is, well... a divalicious toddler.
The last week has been crazy. Despite the lunacy of the whole thing, everyone is still alive and I've dosed out a minimal amount of Benadryl in order to preserve my sanity. When my brain surfaces for air, I'll fill in all of the blanks. But, for now, the Randolph Asylum is running on high alert for potential inmate disturbances and the warden is beginning to find humor in things that really aren't all that funny. Like I said, that's normally my sign to take a deep breath, use those Lamaze techniques that I never used during child birth, and start singing 99 Bottles of NyQuil on the Wall.

Good night, all.